◆ Strong demand allows for tight pricing ◆ New bond pulls Achmea's curve tighter ◆ 'Odd size' wraps up Dutch firm's covered funding
◆ Austrian lender feeds investors hungry for bank capital ◆ Borrower returns to asset class for first time in more than two years ◆ No new issue concession
◆ Deal attracted strong official institution interest ◆ Borrower faced some limits at 40bp ◆ Low single digit concession paid
◆ Bloc lands another €10bn-plus deal ◆ Book almost a record ◆ Both real and fast money show hands
French political risk, US economic data and EU supply to set tone in public sector market
Spain is 88% funded for 2024 with regular auctions left; expects next year’s programme to be similar
Smaller and less frequent issuers aiming for open window to raise unsecured funding as investors hunt higher yield
◆ At least five more deals expected this week ◆ Sub-benchmark names to take their time ◆ Further supply mooted
◆ Deal comes earlier than expected ◆ 20 new investors, including a European supranational ◆ Two green bonds done this year
◆ 'Stable' book grows after spread set ◆ Lack of recent Spanish supply helps pricing ◆ Illiquid secondaries create wide range of fair values
Issuers said to have this week 'withdrawn' planned covered bond sales will look at later window
Market participants weigh up how to evaluate Spain-France inversion and outperformers like Portugal and Greece