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East African sovereign could print $1bn-$1.5bn, depending on demand for the tender
The kingdom revamped its green finance framework after the original was met with scepticism
A senior trade from Yapi Kredi on Monday drew a book more than three times the deal size
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The UAE district cooling company is a rare issuer, but a very well-known one
Brazil's largest private sector lender priced a five year senior just 10bp wider than the government
◆ German poll to have far-reaching consequences for bond market ◆ UK water sector's capital markets tangle ◆ Corporate issuance picks up in emerging markets
IPOs progress in UAE, Saudi Arabia, Oman
Excluding the first weeks of the last two years, it was the busiest week since early 2023
Risk asset investors bury heads in sand as Trump lambasts Ukraine
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CAF gearing up to transform regional development
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Emirates NBD Capital: An unrivalled conduit for Middle East liquidity
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European Investment Bank: Supporting sustainable development in North Africa