Shift to shorter Gilts as UK gets ready to borrow £304bn in 2025-26
Regulator changes direction after years of 'allergy to risk'
Successful corporates and FIG bonds belie move to ‘higher volatility regime'
◆ No new issue premium paid ◆ Green bond helps build book ◆ Good demand for French agencies
Country's high borrowing means it is 'walking a tightrope' in the debt markets
◆ Pair of deals follow long gap ◆ Eurofins multiple times subscribed despite small size ◆ Stronger market brings riskier deals
Banks already working on deals in the industrials and chemicals sectors
Investors say the punitive tariffs on imported vehicles and parts are "worse than expected"
A banker away from the Kazakhstani bank's deal expected it to go well
After €1.25bn close to curve, Land's treasurer discusses reforms
Funding to be provided by Danish sovereign and agency will cease issuing bonds immediately, ‘an absolute shock’
Company is refinancing to cut costs