Middle East Loans
Shariah-compliant credit facility expected to play 'pivotal role' for the borrower
Loan comes after the company prints debut $1bn hybrid bond last week
The facility is being used to drive Saudi investment in industries away from petrochemicals
Hopes that Middle Eastern companies would become active in global M&A have yet to materialise as volumes stay depressed
Only Saudi banks provide facility, as Western banks say the lack of ancillary opportunities makes the business case difficult
If US interest rate policy is favourable, EMEA lending should spring back
Having a credit agency on board can help secure a longer tenor, said one loans banker
Gulf borrowers have the upper hand over banks local and international
ICBC won the sole mandate without having to pitch
Bankers look for deals to restart market once interest rates have peaked
Loan pricing in other parts of EM are creeping higher, but they are falling in the GCC area
International banks are finding it harder to stomach the prices local rivals can offer