Middle East Bonds
Ruling family offers 8.75% for sukuk
Issuers must ramp up ESG sophistication to snare European cash
Bond puts in a rare secondary bounce over reoffer
There are technical reasons for such wide spreads, in particular very low liquidity
Recent new bonds from both the Middle East and CEE have held up, although liquidity is low
Selling bonds internationally would cost more than interbank financing
The real estate company continued a spike in primary market activity from Gulf issuers
Mashreqbank priced at 8.5% after starting with guidance in the mid to low 8% area
Year-to-date bond issuance volumes from GCC are down more than 75%
Dar Al-Arkan and Mashreqbank guide though few more deals expected
Local investors helped push the order book to $1.4bn
Dar Al-Arkan and Mashreqbank queue new issues