Three high yield trades on Tuesday drew healthy demand
Not long ago five year bonds yielded over 20% and investors were worried about debt distress
Borrower signs seven year deal to refinance short term maturities
Yields on Egypt bonds have returned to the 10% area that can allow primary market access
Egypt and Tunisia are in a stickier state than Kenya but investors expect them to survive near-term
Sovereigns have managed to source other financing while bond markets have closed to them
Sovereign’s debt has traded at distressed levels this year but bonds have rallied
Japanese investors are keen on investment grade rated African debt
Bookrunner hails borrower’s “outstanding” result versus its regular curve despite pricing north of 10% barrier
Last year's emerging market sell-off meant Egypt lost access to the primary bond market
Egypt would be the first B rated issuer to print a Panda bond
Egypt is mulling a Panda debut but its traditional investor base may also be receptive to a deal