Covered Bonds
◆ Farewell, KommuneKredit ◆ Covered bonds advance on SSAs’ territory ◆ Ivory Coast makes funding breakthrough ◆ Romania’s risks
◆ Deal lands flat to Pfandbriefe ◆ No premium paid ◆ Slim spread gap to SSAs
No reason for banks to fear going tighter still
The gap is closing thanks to covered undersupply but there will be a floor as relative value starts to make little sense
Bankers hope for April showers after quiet end to March
Higher sovereign rates are here to stay, but borrowers can cope
◆ Swedish issuer starts tight ◆ Deal lands close to recent SSA supply ◆ Seven year tenor offers investors something different
◆ Note lands close to national champion ◆ Issuer targeted price over size ◆ Deal shows Fridays are an open window
Issuer plans regular voyages to euro covered market
◆ Investors flock to tightly priced trade ◆ Next to no premium paid ◆ Sparebanken Vest is still to come
Investors showing a preference for rarer names and jurisdictions
◆ Both deals almost four times covered ◆ Pair tightened by 7bp ◆ Next to no premium paid for either bond