◆ BPCE and Handelsbanken print first Yankee bonds of the year ◆ Citi increases perpetual size after $4.6bn book ◆ Flurry of activity from US insurers
‘All stars aligned’ for the sovereign to serve up third deal of 2024
The European timezone is crucial for ambitious investment banks, but presents unique problems. How to cover it efficiently is causing internal tension, especially for US banks.
Austria, France and Portugal opt for the same window
At least a dozen SSAs are set to price deals on Wednesday
Largest ever book in the currency for the issuer, which priced well inside secondary levels
Supra and agency take euro SSA supply to €18bn for the week
US bank hires five rates traders in all
◆ 'A nice print' say rival bankers ◆ US bank raised €2.25bn and 'could have taken more' ◆ Green FRN label questioned as 'nobody cares'
◆ Volatility spikes across markets and asset classes ◆ Citi differentiates from peers by funding at short end too ◆ Amex shows demand for FIG bonds as it issues senior and subordinated debt with negative NIP
CDC seizes French agency momentum while IADB takes £500m from new nine year line