High quality borrowers return to dollars as Bank Mandiri brings first FIG deal since banking fears began
The sovereign paid a premium in line with recent trades
Harley Davidson to follow as US names exploit euro window
Single digit concessions and ultra-long maturities offered in wake of FIG market's chaotic week
Bankers expect more acquisition-related capital increases once volatility subsides
More deals lined up as investors clamour for label
Transmission company pays zero concession despite wobbles in rates market
Citi appointed Jane Fraser the first female CEO of a major US bank two years ago. She must not be the last
Risky structure will be closely watched for clues to sentiment
EDP Renovaveis deal had been widely anticipated deal, parent's €1bn raise a surprise
Sources suggest more synthetics over real convertibles is a worrying trend as bank issues 5 year into L’Oréal, but others are less concerned