CIBC World Markets
◆ New five year bigger than planned ◆ New dollar book record for sovereign ◆ Rare but regular issuer, 'a pleasure' of a deal
◆ First five year dollar from the issuer since 2021 ◆ L-Bank print provided building block ◆ Further dollar deals planned
◆ Size was upsized after feedback ◆ Minimal premium paid ◆ Some bank treasuries excluded by callable SNP format
International banks launched a torrent of dollar FIG supply as they swatted away political uncertainty to get 2025 off to a rapid start
Canadian bank takes A$1.5bn with biggest covered deal in currency since September 2023
◆ Pricing over size prioritised... ◆ ... but likely not at the initial stage ◆ Elevated concession, albeit not the main measure of FRNs' attractiveness, suggests limits to investor demand
◆ Minimal premium paid ◆ Structural demand from UK bank treasuries down but Asia steps in ◆ Sterling spread vs euro more attractive for issuers
◆ Canadian issuer returns after two years ◆ Deal grabs record demand ◆ Leads were 'careful to get pricing right'
◆ CIBC seen 'dismissing own curve' to price tight deal ◆ More scope for Canadian issuance, say bankers ◆ KHFC draws less demand
◆ Spreads too good for banks to regret issuing ◆ One of the busiest September starts in US FIG ◆More than a dozen foreign banks print over $27bn in just three days
◆ Rival bankers give mixed assessment ◆ Final order book shrinks ◆ Fair value 'tricky' to assess
◆ Foreign FIG issuance so far in 2024 outstrips last year’s volume by more than $20bn ◆ Multiple Canadian and Japanese lenders print ◆ US banks prepare capital plans after the Fed’s latest stress tests