Risk asset investors bury heads in sand as Trump lambasts Ukraine
J&J’s rare 30 year tranche grows to €1bn
Gabon now has three years to get its house in order
◆ Orders hold to finish several times subscribed ◆ Premium level debated ◆ Investors lured by attractive spread and rating
◆ Record book and deal size ◆ Investor demand 'at odds' with media headlines ◆ Key BoE actor clears up position
Reverse Yankees bumped up February volumes last year and hopes are high they will again in 2025
Issuers need to wise up to the fact that secondary performance has become less of a certainty
◆ Deal is BHH's last before LBBW integration ◆ Investors eager to buy but last deal status not main driver ◆ Small pick-up to SSAs
Not long ago five year bonds yielded over 20% and investors were worried about debt distress
◆ Sovereign sells €10bn bond into record demand ◆ First syndication since last year’s political woes ◆ 'Strong demand for French bonds and trust from investors,' says issuer
Lithuania paid little to no new issue premium
Innovative vehicle will leverage Climate Technology Fund