Issuer plans regular voyages to euro covered market
◆ Land NRW garners €4.5bn peak book ◆ Debt brake vote passes without issue ◆ Hamburg prepping Wednesday deal
◆ First new benchmark from the issuer in two months ◆ Record IOIs but pragmatism remains ◆ Investors welcome MDBs back in primary after recent Trump noise
Canada's strong dollar deal suggests investors are looking beyond Trump threats
◆ Borrowers keep an eye on headline risk ◆ But trades land inside fair value ◆ Manchester Airport has blow-out debut
Debt sustainability should be at the core of every spending decision to be made
Big orderbooks and zero average new issue concession paid belies chaos in rates market
The issuer is also looking to end a six year absence from publicly placed RMBS
The president’s deregulatory agenda may inadvertently increase uncertainty for the industry
Five-part Matterhorn is biggest ever Swissie from a US corporate
Sovereign showed euro bond funding does not have to be more expensive than dollars
Risk asset investors bury heads in sand as Trump lambasts Ukraine