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Byte Me

  • 21X will combine functions of exchange and securities depository
  • Central bank could accelerate innovation or slow things down
  • Facebook has announced more details of its planned cryptocurrency payments system, GlobalCoin, and they are not likely to please the crypto community
  • Bitfinex, the often and rightly criticised cryptocurrency exchange, is in a standoff with the New York Attorney General’s office (NYAG), which has accused it of a $850m fraud.
  • One of the fondest hopes of the cryptocurrency true believers looks set to come true this year. Real decentralised value transfer systems could be on their way both to retail and institutional banking. But, in a cruelly ironic twist, they will be delivered by the blackest names in individual privacy and financial libertarianism.
  • Jamie Dimon, long known to be among the mouthiest of the titans of investment banking and the loudest bitcoin sceptic of all, now presides over the first ever cryptocurrency from a major bank.
  • A few years ago, artificial intelligence was only the hipster’s choice for ‘most important tech innovation in finance’. But AI is fast supplanting blockchain as The Next Big Thing in capital markets. There is a theory that cool things are no longer cool once finance types start to like them. So, in that spirit here’s ByteMe’s guide to the perils of an AI dystopia.
  • It was never going to last. Bitcoin has ended its three month holiday from volatility and begun to crash once more. The cryptocurrency market is looking for a new floor.
  • Bitcoin has its birthday on Halloween. Make of that what you will. The shadowy phantom (or cabal of phantoms) known as Satoshi Nakamoto published the bitcoin whitepaper 10 years ago.
  • Stablecoins are a curiosity unique to the cryptocurrency market and, despite the placid sounding name, have been embroiled in some of the hairiest controversies in the market. And they aren’t even stable.
  • If you were to accost a capital markets professional in the street and ask them to give examples of commodities, they might name oil, gold, copper, or, if they are also a film buff, frozen orange juice concentrate. Bitcoin might not make that list, but the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) is trying to change attitudes to increase its remit over cryptocurrencies.
  • Cryptocurrencies have not had a great year. Total market capitalisation of the sector is down 75% from the highs of January, falling roughly in line with what the bears predicted. But that hasn’t seemed to slow institutions’ attempts to get involved.