Bank Nederlandse Gemeenten
NRW.Bank’s inaugural social bond sparked a flurry of 15 year trades this week as a flattening French curve and the positive yields on offer helped spur on demand, with three issuers opting to follow the German agency’s successful trip to the maturity on Wednesday.
NRW.Bank signalled to the market that there is demand at 15 years with its inaugural social bond on Tuesday. Following the deal two other European issuers, Bank Nederlandse Gemeenten and Portugal, mandated for deals of their own in the tenor.
Kommunalbanken snagged NZ$500m ($324.5m) on Friday with the second largest Kauri bond of the year. Interest in the New Zealand dollar is high, with NZ$1.1bn worth of SSA Kauri deals printed so far this month — and more are set to follow.
This week's funding scorecard looks at the progress of Europe's supranationals and agencies towards the end of June.
Finland’s Municipality Finance returned to the domestic New Zealand dollar bond market on Friday after a long absence, to raise its largest Kauri bond since 2008.
Norway’s Kommunalbanken returned to the domestic New Zealand dollar market after a two year absence on Wednesday with its largest Kauri deal since its debut.
Trading levels given are bid-side spreads versus mid-swaps and/or an underlying benchmark and bid-yields from the close of business on Monday, June 1. The source for secondary trading levels is ICE Data Services.
The International Finance Corp returned to the Australian dollar bond market to fund its response to the coronavirus pandemic on Monday, while at the end of last week BNG capped the strongest month for SSA Kangaroo deals for over nine months.
Bank Nederlandse Gementeen (BNG) this week became the latest public sector borrower to hit the 10 year part of the dollar curve with its first such trade since 2016. While demand seems to be starting to slow down for 10 year dollar bonds, SSA bankers say there is still room for more issuers to follow.
Bank Nederlandse Gemeenten scored a 10 year dollar benchmark bond on Wednesday — its first at the tenor for four years. A fellow European issuer hit the short end of the dollar curve.
The New Development Bank is looking to take advantage of the strong demand in dollars by bringing its long-awaited inaugural trade in the currency as part of its response to the coronavirus pandemic.