Proximus, the new name for Belgian telecoms company Belgacom, issued a €500m no-grow bond on Monday, achieving a high oversubscription for the deal.
Proximus, the new name for Belgian telecoms company Belgacom, issued a €500m no-grow bond on Monday and won high oversubscription.
The stop-start progress of global mergers and acquisitions this year kangarooed forward yesterday, as news broke of AB InBev's interest in SABMiller. Details remain hidden, but hints as to the financing emerged from the rating agencies' reactions.
The stop-start progress of global mergers and acquisitions this year kangarooed forward yesterday, as news broke of AB InBev's interest in SABMiller. Details remain hidden, but hints as to the financing emerged from the rating agencies' reactions.
A pair of oversubscribed deals at the long end of the curve in euros this week has reopened a market that has been moribund for much of the year, as investors come to terms with low yields, writes Tessa Wilkie.
Belgium on Wednesday printed the largest euro benchmark of 20 years or longer since the European Central Bank began a programme of public sector bond buying earlier this year.
Sponsored Euromoney Country RiskThe Euromoney Smaller European Companies Index Series currently comprises 1350 companies across 16 European countries.
Belgium has mandated for the first fixed rate benchmark longer than 20 years in the sovereign, supranational and agency sector in euros since February, while an Austrian agency also found demand at the long end of the euro curve.
Euronav, a Belgian oil tanker and storage firm, has signed a $750m secured loan, partly to buy new vessels to capitalise on a market for oil tanker services that is buoyant, despite the fall in the crude price.
The Kingdom of Belgium has more than doubled its outstanding maturity curve with a 100 year medium term note, and it is keen to issue more ultra-long debt.
The Kingdom of Belgium has more than doubled its outstanding maturity curve with a 100 year medium term note, and it’s keen to issue more ultra-long debt.