◆ Arbitrage attracts Belgium to dollars again ◆ No book updates ‘a little surprising’ and ‘a red flag’ ◆ Investors expected more spread
◆ New €5bn line opened against ‘not easy’ backdrop ◆ Planned long-end OLO turned out to be 2042 ◆ Flexibility once again serves sovereign well
◆ Bond tightens 5bp from guidance ◆ Highest subscribed deal so far this week ◆ Relative value highlights issuer as 'strongest' Belgian region
Belgian pharmaceutical company has made three acquisitions this year
◆ Large size ◆ Pricing ‘on the money’ ◆ Getting squeezy versus OATs
◆ Deal four times covered ◆ Walloon used as reference ◆ Higher than average tightening
The facility's ESG features will be finalised before the end of the year
◆ Book supports large deal despite attrition ◆ Belgian scarcity makes finding fair value tricky ◆ 1.5 day execution chosen to aid price discovery
No competition expected as investors hunger for covered paper across the curve
◆ German states are performing well ◆ Placing fair value for the Länder segment is hard ◆ 15-year deal tightened 3bp
◆ First out of three Belgian euro syndications proved a hit ◆ Usual 2bp premium paid ◆ Italy to follow with potential €20bn deal
In euros, KfW and Belgium will test new year clearing levels