Belgian Sovereign
Issuer avoided picking a window to print a deal in May
Debt agency expects to issue €13.5bn of popular one year state notes
Top European borrowers bring competition in crowded market
Cyprus upgraded to BBB as debt metrics improve
Sovereigns take €7bn each while supranationals and agencies also keep euro buyers busy
The pair raised €8.5bn combined despite the EU draining €12bn from the market the previous day
The pair announced ESG deals as the EU finalises a well sought-after €12bn transaction
The agency still rates Brussels higher than both Moody's and Fitch
Brief reprieve in shaky rates market tipped to encourage sovereign
Trading levels given are bid-side spreads versus mid-swaps and/or an underlying benchmark and bid-yields from the close of busiess on Monday, July 5. The source for secondary trading levels is ICE Data Services.
The Belgian region of Wallonia was the only public sector borrower to the follow Tuesday’s jumbo dual tranche by the European Union in the primary market on Wednesday as it raised €1bn with a new long 10 year conventional bond.
The French Community of Belgium (LCFB) sold its first social bond under its new social finance framework on Wednesday.