Let the chips fall where they may


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Let the chips fall where they may

September has been my favourite month this year, as I managed to enjoy some peace and quiet at Captain’s Bar, thanks to all the young’uns working like mad to push out deals. And when I say young, I mean some are really, unbelievably, young — at least judging by their looks.

Take this story I heard recently. A group of junior syndicate bankers decided to head off to Macau for a weekend of gambling and fun.

Now, I don’t know what got into them but having checked into one of the plushest hotels, they then decided that they wanted to go to a casino in a different part of the city. That would have been fine, except for the fact that the five guys and girls arrived at the entrance of one of the most glamorous casinos in town in t-shirts, shorts and flip-flops.

They were stopped even before they could set foot in the premises and asked for proof that they were over 21 years old. And of course they had all left their IDs in their hotel half way across town.

I’m not one to judge but I must say that as a seasoned traveller and a responsible citizen, I always carry proof to show that I’m more senior (and thus wiser).

The group was understandably frustrated — except for the lady who was apparently pleased as punch that she looked too underage for a casino.

I could not help but think that these young investment bankers risk millions of dollars of other people’s money every day and yet they were stopped from gambling away their own. What has the world come to?

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