A note from GlobalCapital's managing editor


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A note from GlobalCapital's managing editor


Dear reader, These are extraordinary times for global capital markets as the world reels from the spread of Covid-19.

Despite the exceptionally trying and worrying circumstances we remain 100% committed to covering the global capital markets as deeply and knowledgeably as we can, as keen as ever to reflect the mood, opinion and sentiment of markets and the people that work in them, the deals that flow through them and the data and statistics that they produce.

As you have hopefully seen over the last two weeks, the GlobalCapital team has worked hard (from home!) to make sure we are giving you the very best insight and intelligence to help you navigate these unprecedented times. 

We have upped our daily coverage of our markets, sending out three breaking news email alerts a day that carry all our coronavirus-related stories, in addition to our usual daily alerts dedicated to the various sectors that we cover. Do sign up to these if you haven’t already – we’re convinced they will help you see the bigger picture at a time when more and better information is of greater importance than ever.

However, we have suspended the printing of our weekly edition of GlobalCapital. Instead, from this week’s issue, out on March 27, we will be producing a digital version available on globalcapital.com.

Please do take a moment to read it on your desktop from tomorrow and, of course, do let us know what you think.

The digital version allows you to: 

•            Easily navigate pages — flick through, or swipe on touch screens

•            Browse each issue by page

•            Customise your view, by changing page size and/or format

•            Search and bookmark

Once people start returning to their offices we will look again at producing a weekly print edition.

To recap, this is what we are doing and how you can access GlobalCapital’s content:

  • Daily news stories on globalcapital.com and email alerts across the Public Sector, Bank, Corporate, EM, Securitization and Derivatives markets

  • Three breaking news emails a day dedicated to capital markets’ reaction to the coronavirus pandemic

  • Weekly digital newspaper to view on desktop from GlobalCapital’s website or via the app on Apple or Android devices

  • League tables, transaction data and other market data

  • Daily updates on LinkedIn – follow GlobalCapital

I hope you enjoy our digital offerings. And please do get in touch — we'd love to hear from you!

In the meantime, I hope you and your family stay healthy and manage to get through this extraordinary period. 

Best wishes,

Toby Fildes

Managing editor



Click on the image below to read the latest weekly digital edition:


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