The CIF Capital Markets Mechanism (CCMM) priced its first bond this week. The issuer is raising money so that the Climate Investment Funds, created in 2008 as a channel for rich countries to finance the green transition in developing states, can do more lending through its Clean Technology Fund. We look into the issuer, its deal and where it fits in the SSA bond market.
The first benchmark-sized publicly sold hybrid since the African Development Bank's deal from about a year ago also surfaced this week. The issuer was the African Finance Corporation. It is, like the AfDB, a multilateral development institution. But it has very different characteristics and these may give a clue as to where MDB hybrid capital deals will succeed in the future.
Finally, covered bond issuance has lagged behind the pace of other parts of the bond market this year but that all changed this week. We examine what the hold up was, why issuers have finally come to the market now, and what could derail the revival.
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