One of the very biggest investment banking stories this year was the collapse of Credit Suisse. But its rescue by UBS and what the rest of the Street makes of the demise of its rival is a story that will play out into 2024 and beyond.
In our Review 2023|Outlook 2024 special report, we have the most in-depth reporting you will find anywhere on what is happening to the stricken Swiss bank's market share, clients and staff, and what its new owners on the other side of Zurich's Paradeplatz plan to do with their new acquisition. We discuss all of those topics on this week's show.
We also look at what the heads of debt capital markets at the biggest bond houses are thinking about business next year, from volumes, products and fees to travel, bonuses and bugbears.
Finally, in this week's news, we look into how the collapse of Austrian property company Signa might affect the bond market and wonder why nobody seems to be all that worried about it just yet.
This is the final episode of The GlobalCapital Podcast for 2023. Thank you to everyone who downloaded us this year and subscribed. We'll be back in the first week of January so in the meantime, Merry Christmas and enjoy the holiday season.
Read our special report for free here:
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