What is your prediction for EMEA primary bond markets in 2024?
Which products are you most optimistic and pessimistic about for 2024, by volume?
Respondents could vote for as many choices as they wanted
Thinking about 2023 compared with 2022, how has the rate at which competitors have poached or attempted to poach your staff changed?
For MDs and directors
For associates and analysts
Do you expect your business to make more or less money in 2024 than in 2023?
Do you expect your MDs and directors to be paid more or less in 2024 than in 2023?
Overall, will there be more or fewer people working for you by the end of 2024 than now?
How will the US and European central banks change monetary policy in 2024?
Which sectors of the market will have the most exciting technological developments?
Answers are measured in points, not votes. Respondents could rank their top three. We have assigned each choice 3pts when it was selected as first preference, 2pts when selected as second, and 1pt when selected third
Which banks do you expect to gain and lose market share in EMEA DCM the most in 2024?
Answers are measured in points, not votes. Respondents could rank their top three. We have assigned each choice 3pts when it was selected as first preference, 2pts when selected as second, and 1pt when selected third.
How many bank mergers (announced or complete) can we expect to see in 2024 that will involve a top 25 bookrunner bank?
Which financial centres will continue to benefit most from Brexit?
Answers are measured in points, not votes. Respondents could assign 0pts-4pts to each location, with 4pts denoting the biggest benefit