◆ Issuer takes home more than the usual $2bn ◆ Single-digit spread to US Treasury at landing ◆ Dollar investors still attracted by spreads to swaps, yields
◆ Strong market for subordinated bank debt in euros and dollars ◆ Investors buy ‘undersupplied’ UniCredit AT1 at multi-year low yield in the asset class ◆ Barclays, SMFG and ENBD target dollar AT1 buyers
BNP Paribas consolidated its status as the leading European corporate and investment bank in 2024, as it strives towards rivalling the US big five. The bank has four priorities for 2025
◆ Rare Portuguese issuer lands very close to Pfandbrief ◆ Tightening in covered bond spreads prompts divergent views on where fair values are ◆ Both issuers fund close, if not flat to, perceived fair values