Grog: What will hopefully be the last portmanteau pun on Greece for a long time
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Grog: What will hopefully be the last portmanteau pun on Greece for a long time

"Grexit", "Greferendum" — the slamming together of "Greece" and other semi-appropriates words has been the only consistent part of the debt talks between Greece and its creditors.

Last week, sources from the European Central Bank apologised to GlobalCapital for the "Grelay" in responding while negotiations continued.

By Monday morning, a deal was on the table, but the adding of ‘Gr’ to words reached a new low on Monday morning, when European Council president Donald Tusk said: “We have an aGreekment.”

The eurozone may have survived, but at what cost to the English language?

What else can you blame on Greece?

UK government plans to relax a ban on fox hunting can’t come into effect soon enough for one DCM banker — but not because he thinks he’d look rather fetching in a red coat and astride a horse.

No, this unfortunate fellow explained to Blog that he recently had a rather unpleasant start to his day — opening his door to find that a fox had emptied, or rather liquefied, the contents of its bowels all over his doorstep.

Not only were we impressed that the banker was able to identify the type of animal simply by looking at its outpourings, but he was even able to hazard a guess at the fox’s home country.

“I’m sure it must have been a Greek fox,” he hypothesised. “Greece has been making my life a misery for weeks so it would make sense.”

As Blog writes, however, a deal has been struck between Greece and the rest of the eurozone (although, much like the banker’s doorstep, the situation is rather fluid).

So here’s hoping that the Greek crisis is finally moving in at least the right direction — and that London’s foxes have started adding a bit more fibre to their diets.

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