Financing Record (August 18 — August 25)
incorporated in England and Wales (company number 15236213),
having its registered office at 4 Bouverie Street, London, UK, EC4Y 8AX

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Financing Record (August 18 — August 25)

  Date Issuer Princ. Amt. ($ Mils) Cpn. Security Type Maturity Offer Price Yield BP Sprd. M S&P F Manager Gross Sprd. Fee % Sell-Con. Fee % Under Writing Fee % Mgmt. Fee %
8/19/2004 Alabama Power(Southern Co Inc) 250 Floats Float Rate Nts 8/25/2009 100 Floats - A2 A A GS, BNY-CAP, WACHOVIA-SEC na - - -
8/19/2004 WR Berkley Corp 150 6.15 Senior Notes 8/15/2019 99.375 6.215 200 Baa2 BBB+ NR MORGAN-STANLEY na - - -
8/19/2004 John Deere Capital(Deere & Co) 200.00 Floats Mdm-Trm Fl Nts 8/24/2006 100 Floats - A3 A- A CS-FB-CS, JPM, MERRILL na - - -
n 8/19/2004 HBOS Treasury Services Plc 200 Floats Mdm-Trm Fl Nts 8/28/2006 100 Floats - Aa2 AA AAA BNP-PARIBAS na - - -
8/19/2004 Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc 4 Floats Mdm-Trm Fl Nts 8/20/2009 100 Floats - A1 A A+ LEH na - - -
n 8/19/2004 Medquest Inc 136 Zero Sr Discount Nts 8/15/2012 62.337 12.25 802 Caa1 B- NR JPM na - - -
8/19/2004 PacifiCorp(Scottish Power PLC) 200 5.9 Fst Mtg Bonds 8/15/1934 99.639 5.926 90 A3 A- NR CITIGROUP, DEUTSCHE-BK-SEC na - - -
8/19/2004 PacifiCorp(Scottish Power PLC) 200 4.95 Fst Mtg Bonds 8/15/2014 99.636 4.997 77 A3 A- NR CITIGROUP, DEUTSCHE-BK-SEC na - - -
8/19/2004 Toyota Motor Credit Corp 110 Floats Mdm-Trm Fl Nts 8/25/2006 100 Floats - Aaa AAA NR CITIGROUP na - - -
n 8/20/2004 K2 (USA) LLC 100 Floats Mdm-Trm Fl Nts 2/27/2006 100 Floats - Aaa AAA NR JPM na - - -
n 8/20/2004 Sigma Finance Corp 125 Floats Mdm-Trm Fl Nts 2/24/2006 100 Floats - Aaa AAA AAA JPM na - - -
n 8/20/2004 Tango Finance Ltd 100 Floats Mdm-Trm Fl Nts 2/27/2006 100 Floats - Aaa AAA NR JPM na - - -
8/23/2004 Bank of America Corp 750 4.25 Global Notes 10/1/2010 99.478 4.348 65 Aa2 A+ AA- BA-SEC-LLC na - - -
8/23/2004 Countrywide Home Loans Inc 50 Floats Mdm-Trm Fl Nts 8/26/2005 100 Floats - A3 A A JPM na - - -
8/23/2004 Countrywide Home Loans Inc 100 Floats Mdm-Trm Fl Nts 8/26/2005 100 Floats - A3 A A GS na - - -
8/23/2004 Countrywide Home Loans Inc 93 Floats Mdm-Trm Fl Nts 8/26/2005 100 Floats - A3 A A LEH na - - -
8/23/2004 First Tennessee Bank Natl Asso 150 Floats Mdm-Trm Fl Nts 8/25/2006 100 Floats - A1 A A GS na - - -
8/23/2004 Gillette Co 300 3.8 Notes 9/1/2009 99.703 3.866 40 Aa3 AA- AA- BA-SEC-LLC, MORGAN-STANLEY na - Comp. Comp.
8/23/2004 Textron Financial Corp 100 5.125 Medium-Term Nts 8/15/2014 99.585 5.179 90 A3 A- A- CS-FB-CS, DEUTSCHE-BK-SEC, UBS-INV-BANK na - - -
n 8/24/2004 Beta Finance Inc(Beta Finance) 100 Floats Mdm-Trm Fl Nts 3/10/2006 100 Floats - Aaa AAA AAA MORGAN-STANLEY na - - -
n 8/24/2004 CC(USA) Inc(Centauri Corp) 50 Floats Mdm-Trm Fl Nts 2/28/2006 100 Floats - Aaa AAA NR MORGAN-STANLEY na - - -
n 8/24/2004 Diamond Offshore Drilling Inc 250 5.15 Notes 9/1/2014 99.759 5.181 90 Baa2 A- NR GS na - - -
n 8/24/2004 Fairfax Financial Holdings Ltd 95 7.75 Senior Notes 4/26/2012 97.25 8.241 - Ba3 BB B+ BA-SEC-LLC 0.75 - Comb. Comb.
8/24/2004 General Electric Capital Corp 300 Floats Mdm-Trm Fl Nts 7/28/2008 100.118 Floats - Aaa AAA AAA CITIGROUP na - - -
8/24/2004 General Electric Capital Corp 200 Floats Mdm-Trm Fl Nts 7/28/2008 100.118 Floats - Aaa AAA AAA LEH na - - -
n 8/24/2004 Links Finance Corporation 100 Floats Mdm-Trm Fl Nts 3/3/2006 100 Floats - Aaa AAA NR JPM na - - -
8/24/2004 Sovereign Bancorp Inc,PA 300 Floats Float Rate Nts 8/25/2006 100 Floats - Baa3 BBB- NR LEH, JPM na - - -
n 8/24/2004 White Pine Finance LLC 50 Floats Mdm-Trm Fl Nts 8/26/2005 100 Floats - Aaa AAA NR JPM na - - -
8/25/2004 Anthem Inc 200 3.5 Senior Notes 9/1/2007 99.861 3.549 70 Baa1 BBB+ A- BA-SEC-LLC na - - -
8/25/2004 BNP Paribas SA-New York Branch 12 Floats FR MT Bank Nts 9/17/2011 100 Floats - Aa2 AA- AA BNP-PARIBAS na - - -
n 8/25/2004 Beta Finance Inc(Beta Finance) 50 Floats Mdm-Trm Fl Nts 9/1/2006 100 Floats - Aaa AAA AAA JPM na - - -
8/25/2004 National City Bank,Cleveland 120 Floats Flt Rate Bk Nts 9/1/2006 100 Floats - Aa3 A+ AA- JPM na - - -
8/25/2004 National City Bank,Cleveland 100 Floats Flt Rate Bk Nts 9/1/2007 100 Floats - Aa3 A+ AA- JPM na - - -
n 8/25/2004 Sigma Finance Inc 300 Floats Mdm-Trm Fl Nts 3/10/2006 100 Floats - Aaa AAA AAA LEH na - - -
8/25/2004 Textron Financial Corp 100 Floats Float Rate Nts 8/28/2006 100 Floats - A3 A- A- BA-SEC-LLC-BARCLAYS-CAP-WACHOVIA-SEC na - - -
Source: Thomson Financial/Securities Data. For more information, call Rich Peterson at (973) 645-9701.
BP SPRD. - basis point spread over Treasuries; FLT. SPRD. - basis point spread over floating index; Comb. - fee is combined; NR - not rated; Na - not available; n 144A // Manager responsible for running the books; Contains offerings of $2 million or more and includes only the portion of global deals distributed in the U.S.; * More managers, but not listed; JB - joint books; † estimated price.

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