The online poll will take around 5 minutes to complete.
The survey is available for completion in the following languages.
For enquiries and past results, please contact Harris Fan at or +852-2912-8037.
The Global RMB Poll 2018 – An introduction
What is it?
The Global RMB Poll has established itself as the region’s most comprehensive client-oriented poll for assessing RMB services. The revamped survey, now branded “Global RMB Poll” covers the full range of onshore, offshore and cross-border renminbi services that companies are now using to address their research, transaction banking and capital market needs, as well as featuring Best Overall category for the bank that demonstrates excellence across all such services. The poll results rank the providers of these services based upon valid votes received; results will be published in Issue two 2018 (June) of Asiamoney, on, as well as on the GlobalRMB platform,
Who participates?
Corporations, financial institutions and investors from across the globe that have used RMB services during the past year are welcomed to participate in the poll to rate their banks and give feedback on the quality of the RMB services provided. There is no fee to participate and banks are welcome to invite their clients to take part.
Why is the poll important?
The growth of global RMB services means it is important to gauge banks and what they offer. We have designed a short but effective poll to achieve this. Feedback from clients via the poll, presented in the published results, provides a good indication of the strengths and weaknesses of each bank across the global RMB services they offer. Banks can see from the ranks where they are placed in relation to competitors and therefore gain holistic insights on how the market sees them. Ranks can also be broken down through several categories, for example by client industry or FX transaction volumes from a specific country, thus providing enhanced analytical insights for specific market and client segments.
How does it work?
Under each category of RMB services, respondents simply select the banks that they use, up to three banks, ranking them 1st, 2nd and 3rd (please see questionnaire), in each of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd box; the respondent can easily select the bank from a dropdown list in each box. Banks nominated 1st receive three points, banks nominated 2nd receive two points and banks placed 3rd receive one point. Points are then aggregated for each bank in each services category to produce a final ranking score. Personal and corporate information are crucial and should be inputted accurately and completely in the questionnaire; such information is required to verify the truthfulness of responses during auditing and is protected by the Euromoney Group of Companies. Respondents will receive a validation email after they have submitted the poll; respondents need to click on the validation link to complete the voting process.
How reliable are the results?
The Global RMB Poll is growing and our coverage includes a wide range of corporates and financial institutions across various industries. The sampling universe is expanding to provide an accurate indication of the increasingly global RMB market for banking services. The poll includes an auditing process which verifies that respondents really did complete the poll. As part of this auditing process, we may contact individual respondents via telephone or email to validate responses. We pay attention to unusual voting behaviour and suspicious personal/corporate details, and investigates any possible cases of fraud. If there is enough evidence to suggest there is fraud, votes will be invalidated and violating parties may face blacklisting.
How safe are the personal details and poll data?
Voter confidentiality is strictly protected, with information pertaining to respondents and how they voted being stringently guarded and not being disclosed under any circumstances.
Global RMB Poll 2018
2月26日 投票开始
3月30日 投票结束
5-6月 投票结果公布
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