Fade to Blonde


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Fade to Blonde

Blog made a useful discovery this week — getting stuck on a long car journey with one bank’s SSA team would be a terrible idea.

We’ll withhold the names to protect the guilty, but when the topic of music came up at lunch we found that while one member of the team was a big fan of pop queen Taylor Swift (we believe the term is a “Swiftie”) and had just missed out on some backstage tickets for her Hyde Park performance last month, his colleague was much more into the metal stylings of rock gods Metallica.

The arguments over what to put in the CD changer (or select from the streaming service or however it is you’re supposed to listen to music these days) would likely escalate pretty quickly, potentially leaving a Blank Space in the conversation.

We’d hope that, if receiving a jibe about his tastes, the Metallica fan would be able to Shake It Off, refrain from adding Fuel to the fire and instead find Justice for All by taking it in turns to select the music.

Blog, forever wanting to try to bring people together, did a quick Google search (N.B. other internet search engines are available) to see if there could be some middle ground with a Metallica/Taylor Swift mashup*.

Unfortunately, we think the two bankers in question could probably do a better job than the only example we could find.

* mashup: noun. Two songs by different artists spliced together.

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