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  • Argentine province La Rioja may have had to settle for a wider yield than some expected on its bond debut on Thursday, but a promising aftermarket performance provided some hope for the shrinking number of provinces yet to issue.
  • Latin American new issue markets are in for a quiet period, said DCM bankers, though Argentina continues to throw up new borrowers.
  • The Argentine province, La Rioja, was looking strong reception after releasing initial price thoughts of 10% for a planned eight year (6.5 year average life) bond on Tuesday, despite some investors expressing their fatigue at the number of Argentine provincial issuers to have brought deals.
  • Privately held power generation company Stoneway Capital Corporation, which includes Siemens among its partners, sold $500m of 10 year bonds at a yield of 10% on Friday.
  • Bad weather in New York left trading volumes in Latin American bond markets low on Thursday, and Lat Am primary may also now find activity cooling despite a seemingly relentless wave of Argentine borrowers looking to tap the market.
  • Argentina’s largest province, Buenos Aires (PBA), saw its bonds trade up the day after it raised $1.5bn of five and 10 year bonds.
  • Argentina’s largest province, Buenos Aires (PBA), raised $1.5bn of five and 10 year bonds on Wednesday as investors showered love to the tune of $4.3bn upon the 120bp pick-up to the sovereign it paid.
  • The solid performance of last week’s Latin American new issues will give heart to an Argentine corporate borrower looking to bring a new bond on Monday.
  • The Province of Buenos Aires (PBA) will meet bond investors on Monday and Tuesday next week ahead of a planned dollar-denominated benchmark as Argentine issuers continue to dominate the Lat Am primary market.
  • Aeropuertos Argentina 2000’s new 10 year bond traded up more than a point and a half this week, and lender Banco Supervielle sold $300m of peso-linked bonds to underscore continued demand for Argentine credit.
  • Entre Ríos raised $350m of bonds with an average life of seven years on Wednesday in a debut bond issue that put it second widest on the spectrum of Argentine provincial issuers.
  • Argentine airport operator Aeropuertos Argentina 2000 saw its new 10 year bond trade up around a point on Tuesday as Latin American corporates extended their stay in a friendly primary market.