Argentine electricity utility Transener (Compañía de Transporte de Energía Eléctrica en Alta Tensión) has approved a bond of up to $500m, according to a regulatory filing on Tuesday.
One of Argentina’s strongest corporate bond issuers, Cablevision, signed a preliminary agreement to merge with rival Telecom Argentina over the weekend, and one analyst said it could lead to issuance in the cross-border bond markets.
Argentina’s second most populated province raised $450m in international bond markets on Thursday in a deal that bankers away from the trade viewed as coming tighter than expectations.
Argentine energy holding company Pampa Energía said on Thursday that it was delaying a planned peso-linked bond sale, as Lat Am DCM bankers said that caution was the most sensible path for the borrower.
Argentina’s largest private energy company Pampa Energía wrapped up investor meetings with a lunch in New York on Wednesday but is yet to issue initial price thoughts on a planned fixed rate peso-linked international bond.
Argentine energy holding company Pampa Energía is planning to sell its peso-linked international bond on Wednesday, according to a filing with the local regulator.
Argentina’s second most populated province is preparing its second international bond issue of the year and will begin meeting investors on Monday.
Argentina had market participants choking on their churrasco this week with a century bond that triggered mixed reactions but sent a clear message about the bond market’s extraordinary ability to back any story it likes the sound of. Oliver West reports.
It is tale of the haves and have nots in EM this week as Argentina’s surprise 100 year bond received a $10bn book but Nigeria’s diaspora bond underwhelmed and prompted a widening of the sub-Saharan African sector.
Amid light-hearted comments from observers about its patchy debt record, Argentina sent a very serious message to markets on Monday with the first ever 100 year bond issuance from a single-B rated sovereign.
Sebastián Reynal, Deutsche Bank’s chief country officer for Argentina, left the bank earlier this month, GlobalCapital understands.
Argentine candy maker Arcor is looking to tap its existing dollar-denominated 2023s as soon as Tuesday after mandating the same three banks that ran its original bond issue to manage the deal.