Chinese leasing firm Far East Horizon was one of the first issuers to reopen the international bond market after a lull of more than a week, raising $300m from a dual-currency transaction on Thursday. But it was forced to pay up for the dollar portion due to lingering volatility in the market.
India's Tata Steel, which mandated a group of 21 lenders in January for a new loan, has shrunk the size of the fundraising following a blowout bond issuance.
Chinese issuers are back following the Lunar New Year break. Far East Horizon and Redco Properties Group are both wooing bond investors, effectively reopening the dollar debt market in Asia.
Chinese financial services provider Far East Horizon is pursuing the sale of a dollar-denominated and offshore renminbi bond.
Berlin Hyp left some new issue premium on the table for investors on Monday, while Sparebanken Vest Boligkreditt lined up a deal for Tuesday. ANZ New Zealand was also considering covered or senior unsecured issuance.
ANZ sold what it said was the first issue of a bond aligned to UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in euros this week, raising €750m of new funding.
ANZ raised €750m this week from its first bond aligned with the UN sustainable development goals (SDGs), marking only the second such deal globally.
ANZ equalled a record €750m deal size with its first ever sustainable bond on Wednesday, as bankers said that the market was wide open for deals in more defensive formats.
ANZ is lining up its first issue of a bond aligned to the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), following its debut green transaction in 2015.
SMBC Aviation Capital has swooped into the Asian loan market for a $600m two tranche borrowing.
Pricing details are out for a $100m facility for car rental service provider CSM Corporatama, better known as Indorent.