Asian Development Bank ADB
The Bank of England's Monetary Policy Committee on Thursday voted to keep its base rate at 0.25%, but a dissenting voice and a hawkish tone to the minutes have caused a Gilt sell-off at the short end.
The Province of Ontario and Rentenbank tapped bonds at the long end of the Kangaroo curve this week, while the Asian Development Bank (ADB) mandated banks for a new Australian dollar bond.
The Asian Development Bank is set to issue a 10.5 year Australian dollar bond on Friday.
The prospect of a far-right leader becoming president of France rocked government bond markets this week. It led to a rare pulled French agency deal and will cause the country’s banks problems with their own huge funding needs. But as other issuers in eurozone countries facing elections showed, the picture of the risks ahead is complicated. Craig McGlashan reports.
The Asian Development Bank on Thursday hit new heights in benchmark issuance, as it sold its largest ever single tranche deal in a week that has been marked by tricky conditions.
Bank Nederlandse Gemeenten showed that investors in its dollar bonds are not overly concerned about an upcoming Dutch general election, as it priced a bond on Wednesday that was just $250m short of its record size in the currency. More public sector dollar supply is set for Thursday, after Asian Development Bank hired banks for a five year global benchmark.
Asian Development Bank's first euro syndication in three years enjoyed only tepid success on Wednesday, as observers wondered if the 20 year trade was fully subscribed.
Fondo de Amortización del Déficit Eléctrico (FADE) was warmly welcomed by capital markets on Tuesday for its first benchmark in 18 months, while Asian Development Bank hit screens looking for its first syndicated euro deal in almost three years. HSH Finanzfonds also raised cash on Tuesday.
Rentenbank added a A$475m ($349.6m) tap to its September 2022 Kangaroo bond, joining the Asian Development Bank and Inter-American Development Bank in printing Kangaroo fives in the new year.
Hopes that spiralling US Treasury yields could lead to a healthy year for 10 year dollar benchmarks from SSA borrowers took a beating this week when the Asian Development Bank bellyflopped with its own attempted entry. Craig McGlashan reports.